Bibi Balbir Kaur
The Akali movement had rejuvenated a new life among GurSikhs. Since the Sikh Raj
period, this was the first time GurSikhs had asserted their religious independence and
initiated non-violent efforts to seek control of their Gurdwaras. The bloody incident of
Nankana Sahib and Guru-Kae-Bagh added fuel to the fire and served to strengthen the
movement. As a result, the Sikhs raised slogans of India's freedom along with slogans
for the independence of their Gurdwaras. Unfortunately, the level of commitment and
self-sacrifice of Sikhs deeply disturbed the British. They sensed a potential threat to
their control from this small community of lions. Expectedly, the British directed their
terror machinery against the Sikhs. Along with Akalis, their sympathizers also
troubled the British Psyche. As a result, the British forces arrested and confined all
Akali sympathizers in the jails.
The Maharaja of Nabha, Ripudaman Singh, was an independent minded ruler. He
never considered himself disjoint from his community. When Guru Khalsa Panth
observed the eve of Nankana Sahib martyrdom, he too conducted Akhand Path of Sri
Guru Granth Sahib in Nabha and wore black turban to participate in this Panthic
observance. Subsequently, he visited Harimandir Sahib at Amritsar and consulted
with Akali leaders who were outside the jails. Maharaja's activities deeply troubled
the British. They could not tolerate such activities as they smelled some sort of a
rebellion through such participation. The British action was swift. They initiated legal
steps to seize control of Nabha rule and expelled Maharaja Ripudaman Singh.
The news of Maharaja Ripudaman Singh's expulsion spread through Guru Khalsa
Panth like a lightening rod. It shook the very core of Sikh psyche. Such excesses by
the British became unbearable for the Sikhs and the whole Sikh nation galvanized to
fight against this injustice. The Shiromani Gurdwara Prabhandhak Committee
(SGPC), working in collaboration with the Shiromani Akali Dal, conducted Akhand
Paths at various places to openly express their outrage at this injustice and demanded
the reinstatement of Maharaja. Sikhs initiated a Akhand Paath of Sri Guru Granth
Sahib at the Jaito Gurdwara as well to express their outrage against this injustice.
Unfortunately, it was not allowed to be completed. The agents of British empire,
operating under British instructions, dragged and arrested the Granth Sahib who was
reciting the Paath. As a result, the Akhand Paath was forcibly interrupted.
This incident was equivalent of pouring salt over open Sikh wounds. The expulsion of
Maharaja was a political affair that the Panth was still struggling to grapple with. It
hadn't yet resolved on how to best deal with this issue when the forced interruption of
Akhand Paath served a deep blow from the rulers to the Sikhs religious sentiments.
This was an open challenge to Guru Khalsa Panth's freedom and honor. Akali leaders
decided to accept this challenge. They immediately announced a non- violent morcha
for the resumption and completion of the interrupted Akhand Paath. Thousands of
GurSikh Singh, Singhnia, children, and elders started flocking in Amritsar ready to
shed their lives for this religious battle. They were all eager to reach Jaito. However,
the Akali committee decided to send a Jatha of 500 GurSikhs. The remaining
GurSikhs were asked to await the schedule for the next Jatha. Everyone was eager to
proceed to Jaito, yet they had to accept their Jathedar's decision.
Under the echoes of Jaekara, "Jo Bolay So Nihal, Sat Sri Akal," this Jatha left
Amritsar after having sought the Hukam from Sri Akal Takhat and pledged to remain
non- violent. Thousands of supporters were present on this occasion. Singhnias were
not allowed to proceed on this Jatha. But how could they remain behind and not
participate in such a holy endeavor? They successfully sought permission to
accompany the Jatha for organizing langar along the way.
The non-violent march of this Jatha was a unique event for the whole world.
Organized in rows of four, these Saint-Soldiers proceeded bare-foot from Amritsar
while reciting "Satnaam VaahGuru." Soon they reached their first rest-stop. The
dedication and volunteer sewa of the local Sikhs testified to the whole world that the
Sikh nation not only understood non-violence and how to die but how to honor its
It become evident from the first rest-stop that the services of Singhnia, who had
accompanied the Jatha for organizing langar, were not needed. Jathedar asked with
them to return. Many did. However, several wanted to continue with their brave
brothers and they did not return. Our Balbir Kaur was among this group. When
Jathedar asked her to return, her eyes were filled with tears. She said, "Veer! Do not
stop me from serving the living martyrs of Guru Gobind Singh. Sewa is the only
essence of this life. Beside we never know when death will come upon us. I plead for
permission to continue for Guru's sake. Let me proceed." Jathedar could not break her
heart. He reluctant gave permission, especially when faced with the utter display of
Balbir Kaur was 22 years old, full of youth and utterly beautiful. Guru's faith and
feelings of selfless service for humanity had generated such a glow on her face that
she seemed like a goddess of purity or an angel. She was not alone. She was
accompanied by an year old beautiful son. The playful happy face of this child was
not only Balbir Kaur's joy but the source of amusement for the whole Jatha. He
played with everyone in the Jatha along the way.
The journey was nearing completion. Jatha prepared to depart from its final rest-stop.
Jathedar stood on a high spot and pleaded for the return of the accompanying
congregation. British forces had dug-in with machine gun. This information had
previously reached the Jatha. Jathedar did not hide this information from anyone. He
said, "With Guru's blessing, a martyr's maela is being organized. However, only those
GurSikhs, who have Sri Akal Takhat's Hukam, should proceed further. Others should
return and await their turn."
The congregation stopped and let the Jatha proceed. However, not everyone obeyed
the Jathedar's instructions. Several GurSikhs, eager to seek the martyrdom, found
hidden routes parallel to the Jatha's established route. They advance in hiding, with
the view that when the whole program of martyrdom is unveiled they too will
participate to seek martyrdom. However, Bibi Balbir Kaur did not seek any hidden
routes. She continued marching with her brothers while her son enjoyed the sight,
simply watching people on either side.
When Jathedar learned of Balbir Kaur's continued march with the Jatha, he left his
leading position and caught up with her. "Bibi, there is potential of firing ahead. You
should not continue any further." Jathedar pleaded. "My Veer! Do not stop me. My
quest for sewa has not been quenched yet. Allow me to enjoy this sewa. You tell me
of the dangers from the potential firing ahead? Five hundred Veers are with me. Since
they are continuing for sure death why shouldn't they be accompanied by a Bahan
(sister). I too have partaken Gurus Amrit. I shall consider myself blessed if I too could
accept martyrdom along with my brothers and reach Guru Gobind Singh's court. Here
my quest has not been quenched by serving my Veers." Balbir Kaur again pleaded
with tears in her eyes.
"But .." Jathedar was about to say something when he was interrupted by Balbir Kaur
saying, "My child, this is what you wanted to point out. He too is Guru's blessing. If
he too serve the Panth, what greater deeds could be beyond this." Saying this, Balbir
Kaur again hugged her child who burst out laughing.
Jathedar pressured Balbir Kaur to return. Others pressured her too, but she did not
budge from her decision to continue her march to death with her brothers. She insisted
that the "non-inclusion of a Bahan along with 500 Veers in the pending martyrdom is
an insult to the brave daughters of Tenth Guru. How could the Guru, whose amrit
turned women into Singhnia, who bestowed equality to women, tolerate that not even
a single daughter participate in his holy war? This is sacrilegious that Balbir Kaur
simply could not allow."
The power of her persuasive arguments forced her brothers to accept her position.
Even the Jathedar had to bow against her spirit of sacrifice and courage. Who so ever
talked with her was perplexed and could not raise a convincing counter argument.
Jathedar having been forced to accept her decision, returned to his lead position in the
march. Guru Khalsa's Kesri flag was freely fluttering in the winds. The Jatha
exhibited a unique presence while the accompanying band's performance portrayed
innocence. Under the guidance of their deeply held faith in Sri Guru Granth Sahib and
the command of their Jathedar, the brave force of Sant-Sipahis marched toward the
Jaito Gurdwara. They were chanting "Satnaam VaahGuru." Every GurSikh in the
Jatha was projecting calmness.
Hindu, Muslims, and Sikhs welcomed the Jatha all along of the way from Amritsar to
Jaito, because of their participation in this religious task. They were served with
abundant amounts milk, kheer (milk and rice pudding) and other things. Flowers were
showered upon these living martyrs along the way. Thousands of rupees were
Now it was turn for people serving the British to extend their welcome. They too
welcomed these braves GurSikhs with rifle and gun fire. They showered them with
rain of bullets. Gurus non-violent force was prepared for such a welcome. They
accepted this welcome with "Satnaam Sri VaahGuru's" Hukam and continued the
sweet walk towards their goal without any interruptions. Witnessing the scene it
appeared that the Jatha was playing holli (festival of colors). After all martyr's holli is
a holli of blood. If someone's face was colored with blood, someone else's head, chest,
or thigh were colored. Blessed were the GurSikhs, for no one's back was visibly
colored. Many Veers fell to the ground but would rise immediately to continue their
march. The bullets would hit their chest only to fall again. With courage they would
either rise again or accept death to reach the Kalgidhar father's lap.
Martyrdom was being openly served by now. It was the same serving that Balbir Kaur
had insisted to reached and accept. Let us focus our attention on her condition. She
continued her march while hugging to her child. She loved the rain of bullets that she
had eagerly awaited. By now her face was glowing with some unique brightness.
Suddenly, She was hit by a bullet in her forehead. A blood spring burst open. Her
whole face was covered with blood, eyes were covered with blood. However, this did
not affect her march. She continued with the chanting of "Satnaam VaahGuru" while
her child played with the flowing blood on her face. It was all a game for the child.
Suddenly another bullet hit Balbir Kaur's child. The bullet pierced the child through
his ear and then hit Balbir Kaur's chest. The child died immediately and proceeded to
the Guru's court. Balbir Kaur kissed his forehead and place his body on a nearby
platform saying "VaahGuru look after your amanat (temporarily entrusted to me for
safe custody)." However, she did not stop. Her face had turned yellow from the loss
of blood. She had no strength left to continue. Her walk was wobbly by now, yet her
heart's quest had not been quenched. Chanting the tune of "Satnaam VaahGuru," she
kept her pace with others. On the other hand, the bullets had not stopped raining. They
continued showering as if their thirst for blood had not yet mellowed.
Surprisingly, another bullet came hissing her way. It hit straight in Balbir Kaur's
chest, pierced her body and left from the other side. This bullet was the message of
death, the one Balbir Kaur had been eagerly awaiting. With this bullet, her beautiful
body fell to the ground. But not her soul. Her soul left to join her child in Kalgidhar
Father's protection. Her deepest quest was finally fulfilled. Her blood filled face still
exhibited peace and dancing valor.
period, this was the first time GurSikhs had asserted their religious independence and
initiated non-violent efforts to seek control of their Gurdwaras. The bloody incident of
Nankana Sahib and Guru-Kae-Bagh added fuel to the fire and served to strengthen the
movement. As a result, the Sikhs raised slogans of India's freedom along with slogans
for the independence of their Gurdwaras. Unfortunately, the level of commitment and
self-sacrifice of Sikhs deeply disturbed the British. They sensed a potential threat to
their control from this small community of lions. Expectedly, the British directed their
terror machinery against the Sikhs. Along with Akalis, their sympathizers also
troubled the British Psyche. As a result, the British forces arrested and confined all
Akali sympathizers in the jails.
The Maharaja of Nabha, Ripudaman Singh, was an independent minded ruler. He
never considered himself disjoint from his community. When Guru Khalsa Panth
observed the eve of Nankana Sahib martyrdom, he too conducted Akhand Path of Sri
Guru Granth Sahib in Nabha and wore black turban to participate in this Panthic
observance. Subsequently, he visited Harimandir Sahib at Amritsar and consulted
with Akali leaders who were outside the jails. Maharaja's activities deeply troubled
the British. They could not tolerate such activities as they smelled some sort of a
rebellion through such participation. The British action was swift. They initiated legal
steps to seize control of Nabha rule and expelled Maharaja Ripudaman Singh.
The news of Maharaja Ripudaman Singh's expulsion spread through Guru Khalsa
Panth like a lightening rod. It shook the very core of Sikh psyche. Such excesses by
the British became unbearable for the Sikhs and the whole Sikh nation galvanized to
fight against this injustice. The Shiromani Gurdwara Prabhandhak Committee
(SGPC), working in collaboration with the Shiromani Akali Dal, conducted Akhand
Paths at various places to openly express their outrage at this injustice and demanded
the reinstatement of Maharaja. Sikhs initiated a Akhand Paath of Sri Guru Granth
Sahib at the Jaito Gurdwara as well to express their outrage against this injustice.
Unfortunately, it was not allowed to be completed. The agents of British empire,
operating under British instructions, dragged and arrested the Granth Sahib who was
reciting the Paath. As a result, the Akhand Paath was forcibly interrupted.
This incident was equivalent of pouring salt over open Sikh wounds. The expulsion of
Maharaja was a political affair that the Panth was still struggling to grapple with. It
hadn't yet resolved on how to best deal with this issue when the forced interruption of
Akhand Paath served a deep blow from the rulers to the Sikhs religious sentiments.
This was an open challenge to Guru Khalsa Panth's freedom and honor. Akali leaders
decided to accept this challenge. They immediately announced a non- violent morcha
for the resumption and completion of the interrupted Akhand Paath. Thousands of
GurSikh Singh, Singhnia, children, and elders started flocking in Amritsar ready to
shed their lives for this religious battle. They were all eager to reach Jaito. However,
the Akali committee decided to send a Jatha of 500 GurSikhs. The remaining
GurSikhs were asked to await the schedule for the next Jatha. Everyone was eager to
proceed to Jaito, yet they had to accept their Jathedar's decision.
Under the echoes of Jaekara, "Jo Bolay So Nihal, Sat Sri Akal," this Jatha left
Amritsar after having sought the Hukam from Sri Akal Takhat and pledged to remain
non- violent. Thousands of supporters were present on this occasion. Singhnias were
not allowed to proceed on this Jatha. But how could they remain behind and not
participate in such a holy endeavor? They successfully sought permission to
accompany the Jatha for organizing langar along the way.
The non-violent march of this Jatha was a unique event for the whole world.
Organized in rows of four, these Saint-Soldiers proceeded bare-foot from Amritsar
while reciting "Satnaam VaahGuru." Soon they reached their first rest-stop. The
dedication and volunteer sewa of the local Sikhs testified to the whole world that the
Sikh nation not only understood non-violence and how to die but how to honor its
It become evident from the first rest-stop that the services of Singhnia, who had
accompanied the Jatha for organizing langar, were not needed. Jathedar asked with
them to return. Many did. However, several wanted to continue with their brave
brothers and they did not return. Our Balbir Kaur was among this group. When
Jathedar asked her to return, her eyes were filled with tears. She said, "Veer! Do not
stop me from serving the living martyrs of Guru Gobind Singh. Sewa is the only
essence of this life. Beside we never know when death will come upon us. I plead for
permission to continue for Guru's sake. Let me proceed." Jathedar could not break her
heart. He reluctant gave permission, especially when faced with the utter display of
Balbir Kaur was 22 years old, full of youth and utterly beautiful. Guru's faith and
feelings of selfless service for humanity had generated such a glow on her face that
she seemed like a goddess of purity or an angel. She was not alone. She was
accompanied by an year old beautiful son. The playful happy face of this child was
not only Balbir Kaur's joy but the source of amusement for the whole Jatha. He
played with everyone in the Jatha along the way.
The journey was nearing completion. Jatha prepared to depart from its final rest-stop.
Jathedar stood on a high spot and pleaded for the return of the accompanying
congregation. British forces had dug-in with machine gun. This information had
previously reached the Jatha. Jathedar did not hide this information from anyone. He
said, "With Guru's blessing, a martyr's maela is being organized. However, only those
GurSikhs, who have Sri Akal Takhat's Hukam, should proceed further. Others should
return and await their turn."
The congregation stopped and let the Jatha proceed. However, not everyone obeyed
the Jathedar's instructions. Several GurSikhs, eager to seek the martyrdom, found
hidden routes parallel to the Jatha's established route. They advance in hiding, with
the view that when the whole program of martyrdom is unveiled they too will
participate to seek martyrdom. However, Bibi Balbir Kaur did not seek any hidden
routes. She continued marching with her brothers while her son enjoyed the sight,
simply watching people on either side.
When Jathedar learned of Balbir Kaur's continued march with the Jatha, he left his
leading position and caught up with her. "Bibi, there is potential of firing ahead. You
should not continue any further." Jathedar pleaded. "My Veer! Do not stop me. My
quest for sewa has not been quenched yet. Allow me to enjoy this sewa. You tell me
of the dangers from the potential firing ahead? Five hundred Veers are with me. Since
they are continuing for sure death why shouldn't they be accompanied by a Bahan
(sister). I too have partaken Gurus Amrit. I shall consider myself blessed if I too could
accept martyrdom along with my brothers and reach Guru Gobind Singh's court. Here
my quest has not been quenched by serving my Veers." Balbir Kaur again pleaded
with tears in her eyes.
"But .." Jathedar was about to say something when he was interrupted by Balbir Kaur
saying, "My child, this is what you wanted to point out. He too is Guru's blessing. If
he too serve the Panth, what greater deeds could be beyond this." Saying this, Balbir
Kaur again hugged her child who burst out laughing.
Jathedar pressured Balbir Kaur to return. Others pressured her too, but she did not
budge from her decision to continue her march to death with her brothers. She insisted
that the "non-inclusion of a Bahan along with 500 Veers in the pending martyrdom is
an insult to the brave daughters of Tenth Guru. How could the Guru, whose amrit
turned women into Singhnia, who bestowed equality to women, tolerate that not even
a single daughter participate in his holy war? This is sacrilegious that Balbir Kaur
simply could not allow."
The power of her persuasive arguments forced her brothers to accept her position.
Even the Jathedar had to bow against her spirit of sacrifice and courage. Who so ever
talked with her was perplexed and could not raise a convincing counter argument.
Jathedar having been forced to accept her decision, returned to his lead position in the
march. Guru Khalsa's Kesri flag was freely fluttering in the winds. The Jatha
exhibited a unique presence while the accompanying band's performance portrayed
innocence. Under the guidance of their deeply held faith in Sri Guru Granth Sahib and
the command of their Jathedar, the brave force of Sant-Sipahis marched toward the
Jaito Gurdwara. They were chanting "Satnaam VaahGuru." Every GurSikh in the
Jatha was projecting calmness.
Hindu, Muslims, and Sikhs welcomed the Jatha all along of the way from Amritsar to
Jaito, because of their participation in this religious task. They were served with
abundant amounts milk, kheer (milk and rice pudding) and other things. Flowers were
showered upon these living martyrs along the way. Thousands of rupees were
Now it was turn for people serving the British to extend their welcome. They too
welcomed these braves GurSikhs with rifle and gun fire. They showered them with
rain of bullets. Gurus non-violent force was prepared for such a welcome. They
accepted this welcome with "Satnaam Sri VaahGuru's" Hukam and continued the
sweet walk towards their goal without any interruptions. Witnessing the scene it
appeared that the Jatha was playing holli (festival of colors). After all martyr's holli is
a holli of blood. If someone's face was colored with blood, someone else's head, chest,
or thigh were colored. Blessed were the GurSikhs, for no one's back was visibly
colored. Many Veers fell to the ground but would rise immediately to continue their
march. The bullets would hit their chest only to fall again. With courage they would
either rise again or accept death to reach the Kalgidhar father's lap.
Martyrdom was being openly served by now. It was the same serving that Balbir Kaur
had insisted to reached and accept. Let us focus our attention on her condition. She
continued her march while hugging to her child. She loved the rain of bullets that she
had eagerly awaited. By now her face was glowing with some unique brightness.
Suddenly, She was hit by a bullet in her forehead. A blood spring burst open. Her
whole face was covered with blood, eyes were covered with blood. However, this did
not affect her march. She continued with the chanting of "Satnaam VaahGuru" while
her child played with the flowing blood on her face. It was all a game for the child.
Suddenly another bullet hit Balbir Kaur's child. The bullet pierced the child through
his ear and then hit Balbir Kaur's chest. The child died immediately and proceeded to
the Guru's court. Balbir Kaur kissed his forehead and place his body on a nearby
platform saying "VaahGuru look after your amanat (temporarily entrusted to me for
safe custody)." However, she did not stop. Her face had turned yellow from the loss
of blood. She had no strength left to continue. Her walk was wobbly by now, yet her
heart's quest had not been quenched. Chanting the tune of "Satnaam VaahGuru," she
kept her pace with others. On the other hand, the bullets had not stopped raining. They
continued showering as if their thirst for blood had not yet mellowed.
Surprisingly, another bullet came hissing her way. It hit straight in Balbir Kaur's
chest, pierced her body and left from the other side. This bullet was the message of
death, the one Balbir Kaur had been eagerly awaiting. With this bullet, her beautiful
body fell to the ground. But not her soul. Her soul left to join her child in Kalgidhar
Father's protection. Her deepest quest was finally fulfilled. Her blood filled face still
exhibited peace and dancing valor.
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